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Fleet Trends to Watch in 2022

Written by Nexxo Fleet | Apr 15, 2022 9:26:00 PM

2020 and 2021 created some real challenges for the transportation industry, and when those challenges were met with the evolution of processes and technology, it moved everything further into a future that seemed distant in 2019. 

The fleet industry trends we’re watching for 2022 highlight just how far the last two years moved the needle.  

Technology Drives On

With the driver shortage comes new advances in in-vehicle, quality of life upgrades that will make a big difference—especially for long-haul drivers. 

From cruise control advancements (that are beginning to border on driverless vehicles, but not quite) to apps that deliver precise navigation, drivers are getting the much-needed tech they need to make their jobs safer and more efficient. 

Retaining drivers is going to take some shifts, but technological addons to trucks such as massage seats, air purification systems, and street pollution analyzers will provide fleet managers with the some options they’ve been looking for to provide their drivers with the work experience they need and deserve. 

Maintenance Costs Soar

Because of breaks in the supply chain over the last two years, engine components have become prohibitive for some fleets. 

Putting off preventive maintenance became part of regular operations which, combined with the cost of parts, has driven the overall cost of maintenance up because repair shops need to recoup losses. 

As well, the labor shortage—and demand for higher-skilled technicians for advanced technology—drives prices up as well. Parts and the labor to replace them will continue to soar into 2022. 

Fleets Start to Replace Vehicles

Supply chain issues over the last two years also impacted the availability and cost of new vehicles (and, subsequently, used vehicles as well), forcing fleet owners to put off even much-needed vehicle replacements in 2021. 

In 2022, early forecasts are seeing increased buying for fleet vehicles (including EVs) to replace older vehicles that businesses were not able to buy last year; however, online purchases are beating out dealerships for customers.

Electric Vehicles Take the Road

As EV infrastructure gains traction due to tax incentives and CO2 initiative deadlines quickly approaching, electric vehicles will continue to gain favor and a home among the largest fleet companies in the world. 

Companies like FedEx, UPS, WalMart, Anheuser-Busch, and more are buying up reservations for the new EV semi-trucks from companies like Tesla, Volvo, and Daimler that boast their new trucks will be able to travel 500 miles without a charge.  

Work Moves Home

Remote work began trending in 2020 due to the pandemic, and it has looked back. Companies large and small have realized that people can work from home efficiently and effectively, and many are choosing to continue the practice, COVID-19 or not. 

The transition to remote work created challenges for fleet managers that they’ve tackled; therefore, many companies with fleets will continue to look to fleet management software that’s cloud-based and integrates with GPS tracking, telematics, and cameras in order to manage their fleets from wherever they are and keep in touch with their drivers from any device. 

Nexxo Fleet was proud to provide fleet managers with the software solutions they needed during the pandemic, and we’ll continue to do so. 

To get a good look at how our fleet management software solution can adapt to all the changes coming down the road, schedule a demo today.