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GPS Fleet Tracking FAQs

Written by Nexxo Fleet | Oct 1, 2021 9:03:00 PM

If you’re looking for answers about GPS fleet tracking systems, we’ve got you covered. Read on for answers to some of the most common questions fleet managers ask.

What is fleet tracking?

Fleet tracking is a sophisticated system of devices and software that uses real time satellite Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to help a fleet manager track the location of individual vehicles. It’s useful for dispatch and the home office for: 

  • Projecting cargo delivery times 
  • Scheduling drivers 
  • Determining routes 
  • Monitoring vehicle performance 
  • Forecasting fleet fuel and repair costs, and more.

Modern fleet tracking increases the productivity, safety, and efficiency of a fleet.  

How does GPS fleet tracking work?

Fleet tracking that uses the Global Positioning System (GPS) requires GPS devices to be installed in individual vehicles. Satellites and cell towers send real-time data from the GPS device to a dispatcher’s (or fleet manager’s) computer or mobile device where they can see the actual location of the vehicle on the map. 

Software is required to receive the data from the GPS device, and it can read information about:

  • Vehicle location
  • Speed
  • Mileage
  • Idle time
  • Engine performance
  • Trip history over time
  • Traffic
  • Construction
  • Weather
  • Road Conditions
  • Speed limits posted on the route

Why do you need a GPS fleet tracking system?

Different fleets will see varying benefits of GPS fleet tracking, but here are a few that are experienced across most organizations that own fleets and use tracking systems:

  • Improved productivity - Because a GPS tracking system can show actual idle time, arrivals, departures, routes, and drive histories, trends can be identified and projected that save time, resources, and money. 
  • Decreased theft - Geofencing can be customized in a GPS fleet tracking system that sends an alert directly to the ELD or computer of the fleet manager/dispatcher when a vehicle leaves a specific area. A system like this can also identify off-route stops, long idles, and unauthorized trips that can indicate vehicle and cargo theft. 
  • Enhanced customer service - Fleet managers who receive GPS data on their vehicles can relay actual arrival times and immediately respond to issues. 
  • Increased safety - Fleet monitoring systems that include cameras can show driver distractions, hard braking, speeding and other driver behaviors that impact safety. With the use of these videos, fleet managers can coach drivers to improve their skills and reduce collisions. 

Does GPS fleet tracking show where vehicles are in real time?

This depends on the software system. “Real time” or live tracking indicates “within a few seconds of the actual event.” Software solutions vary in their ability to live track vehicles, so a fleet manager would need to ask the software vendor.

Live tracking depends also on cellular coverage no matter the software, but if the vehicle’s GPS device can connect with a cell tower or satellite, data will flow with only a few second delay.  

Can I use video with a GPS fleet tracking system?

Depending on the software solution you choose, dual-facing dash cams can be installed in vehicles and linked to send video footage to fleet management.

Because video offers context and irrefutable evidence that protects the company and the drivers, it is incredibly useful for fleet management to provide: 

  • Service and cargo confirmation
  • Collision or accident evidence
  • Risky driving behavior acknowledgement

All-in-one fleet management systems usually include tools for video reception with fleet tracking. It’s important to avoid patching two different systems together on your own because it could cause data integration issues.  

What is the best GPS fleet tracking system?

Generally, a fleet tracking system that uses cloud-based technology is the most accessible solution for fleet managers because it can be set up on any device and used anytime and anywhere with cellular reception. 

A user interface that is simple, intuitive, and easy to use is helpful to keep training costs down. Other than that, the software system you choose will depend on what your business needs. 

However, it’s important to keep in mind that the best GPS tracking systems are provided by fleet management software companies that provide a full platform of solutions that can grow alongside your fleet. 

As problems arrive that need solutions fast, a GPS provider can be ready to offer help. Meanwhile, making a list of what you need in a fleet tracking system can help when you talk to a software vendor. 

Nexxo Fleet offers an all-in-one GPS fleet tracking solution that combines all levels of usage. Whether you need basic data like vehicle speed, location, and mileage or sophisticated video data integrations and map overlays, we’ve got you covered. Request a demo today!