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What’s an eDVIR?

Written by Nexxo Fleet | Sep 10, 2021 1:34:48 PM

DVIRs (or Daily Vehicle Inspection Reports) ensure vehicle inspections are carried out correctly, safety issues are identified, and maintenance issues are addressed on fleet vehicles every single day. DVIRs help keep fleet vehicles in good condition while making sure that businesses that maintain fleets stay in compliance with federal regulations.

Electronic DVIRs (eDVIRs) are more efficient, and when you have to do something every day, it helps when that process is streamlined so that you can get back on the road without compromising the purpose of those inspections. 

eDVIRs allow fleets to record, compile, and store VIR information on Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) with vehicle inspection functionalities, and that can save a lot of time and money. 

When fleet management uses a telematics system like Nexxo Fleet, data from eDVIRs are loaded directly to the software on a smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer through a secure mobile application. 

This enables immediate and long-term access for drivers and fleet managers, allowing them to use the app to review and update the eDVIR from anywhere and in real-time.

How does Nexxo Fleet improve the efficiency of completing an eDIVR?

Our eDVIR checklist can be completed directly in the driver’s smartphone or ELD. The forms are fully customizable—from the checklist itself to the driver’s ability to post a photograph from their phone into the form for backup. 

Fleet managers receive alerts in real time when the driver completes their eDVIR if they so choose. Additionally, the service orders related to the eDVIR can be generated automatically. This saves fleet managers and drivers a lot of time. 

Can you upload photos from your eDIVR in the Nexxo Fleet software? How does this help? 

Photos from the driver’s smartphone can be used to take and submit photos into the eDVIR on the Nexxo Fleet app. This enhances communication and keeps an accurate record through video and still images of any damages or areas needing attention on the vehicle. 

How does the Nexxo Fleet eDIVR application reduce paperwork?

Simply put, an eDVIR solution completely eliminates paper. Drivers can report their pre-trip inspections and eDVIRs digitally. It’s especially efficient and cost-saving when drivers connect using the Nexxo Fleet’s proprietary ELD solution. 

How quickly does Nexxo Fleet eDIVR software report the data?

Data input on the eDVIR application is uploaded to the platform in real time. Fleet managers can view the eDVIR within seconds of it being completed by the driver—no matter where they are in the world.

eDVIRs save time and help drivers avoid rushing through their daily vehicle inspections which impacts the vehicle’s condition and safety by ensuring that DVIRs are done properly and that nothing is missed that could affect them down the road. 

Nexxo Fleet’s eDIVR tools make Daily Vehicle Inspection Reports even easier to perform and maintain. Contact us, and let us show you how it works.